The other day, my wise friend, Seher said “not everyone is meant to be liberated in this lifetime.”
That hit me like a bag of bricks…
In hearing it, a hot wave of grief washed over me.
To accept this felt like I’d be “leaving people behind”…people who I love so deeply from some my longest standing relationships.
A few breaths…
Then a cool wave of freedom washed over me.
To accept this is to release the responsibility of saving or “bringing” anyone along who isn’t saving or bringing themselves.
To accept this is to embody a stance of compassionate detachment.
Compassionate detachment is pausing to observe, noticing the urge or pull into the weeds of an emotional dynamic or reaction, AND moving away from it in my body and energy such that I can see the bigger picture.
Psst… before I go on with the story, know that there’s a few more days to apply for the Boundaries for Peace small support group across the next 4 months.
Apply if you want a place for collaboration, contemplation and co-celebration, or share it with someone who would be benefited from this.
Compassionate detachment is an energetic and embodied boundary for space, love and freedom; and it’s a practice.