What a treat that’s right on time! Thank you for this offering as so much of what you shared echoed to be true for me. Last night while journaling, I was able to identify my ego’s role in dictating how I’m navigating some current challenges; feeling caught between my intuition and logic that’s fueling indecision. 😵‍💫🫠😩

I am literally running from the very things I’m calling in. And now that I know part of what’s happening is ego trying to “ vibe-match” I recognize my need to pause to witness those parts of self that are committed to control and attachment rather than allowing and flow.

Again, thank you for sharing here. This will certainly be a piece I shall be revisiting again and again. Lastly, LOVE the depiction of Chhinnamasta you offer here!! Love to you, Chetna! 🤗💞

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Thanks for sharing this, Olivia!! Loving that you're receiving what you're calling in, and can acknowledge how you're running from it, controlling or attaching rather than allowing and flowing. 🙏 👁 Grateful to you for being in community in so many ways where these realizations can be massaged, shared and received 💕🙌

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